Building a strong, reliable core is critical to your overall health and vitality. Improved core strength improves your balance, reduces the likelihood of falls and injuries, and facilitates smoother daily movements. If you feel there is room for improvement in your balance, it is important to incorporate core stability exercises into your workout routine. Explore the best core stability exercises to build both balance and strength!
What Is Core Stability?
The core serves as the central pillar of the body and plays a pivotal role in maintaining balance and strength. Core stability refers to the ability to maintain spinal stability during physical activities such as walking, running, or swimming. It allows you to effectively control your body by facilitating coordinated movement of your limbs while preventing inadvertent bending or flexion of the spine. While the term „core“ often evokes thoughts of the abdominal muscles, it encompasses a broader range of muscles, including those that stabilize the hips, the entire trunk (which includes the muscles of the front, sides, and back), and those that support the shoulders.
Best Core Stability Exercises For Strength & Balance
Stability Ball Dead Bug