
Best Exercises to Get Toned Arms At Home

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You don’t have to go to the gym to get toned arms. In fact, you can easily incorporate a variety of arm exercises, with or without weights, right in the comfort of your own home. Focusing on your arms and shoulders not only increases your strength, but also reduces your risk of injury and improves your posture. And, of course, your arms will look sculpted and defined.

For the best results, aim to do an arm-specific workout three times a week, with one to two days off in between. Combine this with cardio at least twice a week, and you’ll be well on your way to transforming your body. With dedication and consistency, you can make significant changes without ever setting foot in a gym. Ready to get started? Here are 8 amazing exercises to get toned arms at home!

How to Get Toned Arms At Home


Here’s how to sculpt strong, defined arms at home using both weights and bodyweight exercises! Follow these helpful guidelines to get the best results.

4 Tips for Beginners

Don’t be afraid of heavy weights

Many people fear that lifting heavy weights will cause them to bulk up, but that’s unlikely unless you’re actively trying to. If you’re looking for lean muscle definition, aim for 8 to 10 repetitions per exercise and 3 to 5 sets. The key is to make the last two reps of each set challenging.

Alternate between different muscle groups

Make sure you’re working different muscle groups-such as your biceps, triceps, and shoulders-and giving each one plenty of time to rest between sets. This will help you push your muscles to their limits in each exercise without overworking any one area.

Don’t Overlook Posture and Form

Good form is essential to getting the most out of your workout and preventing injury. If you notice your shoulders crawling up to your ears or slouching forward, take a moment to reset. Keep your chest open and your shoulders relaxed but engaged. Check your posture periodically by rolling your shoulders back and down to maintain proper alignment.

Slow down your repetitions

Don’t rush through the exercises! For optimal results, focus on controlled movements. Aim for a one to two second contraction during both the lifting (concentric) and lowering (eccentric) phases. Rushing through reps reduces the muscle tension needed for effective strength building.

Exercises without Weights For Toned Arms

Floor Tricep Dips

For those looking to tone their triceps without any equipment, floor tricep dips are a fantastic option. Start by sitting on the floor with your knees bent and your hands placed behind you, just below your shoulders. Raise your body off the floor, extending your arms fully while keeping your hips elevated. Lower yourself by bending your arms until your glutes are just above the floor, then push back up to straighten your arms again. Aim for 8 to 10 repetitions and 2 to 3 sets.

Plank Tap

Plank taps are a great way to target several upper body muscles, including your triceps, deltoids, and lats, while also working your core and glutes. Begin in a high plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart and your shoulders just above your wrists. Extend your legs behind you, keeping your feet at least hip width apart for stability. Engage your core and glutes and try not to move your hips as much as possible. Tap your right hand on your left shoulder, then your left hand on your right shoulder. Perform 15 to 20 repetitions, performing 3 sets for an effective workout.


Pushups are often considered one of the most effective exercises for building upper body strength, especially in the arms. Begin in a high plank position, making sure your feet, knees, and ankles are aligned. Keep your core fully engaged and face the floor to maintain proper form. Lower your body toward the floor until your nose is just above the surface. Your hands should be facing forward with your elbows a few inches from your torso, not outstretched. Return to starting position, making sure to pull your shoulder blades down and back as you rise. Repeat for as many repetitions as possible. If necessary, modify by dropping to your knees.

Downward Dog Pushup

This exercise is great for toning and strengthening your arms. Begin in the Downward Dog pose with your hands and feet shoulder-width apart and your hips lifted high, forming an inverted V with your body. Keeping your eyes on your feet, engage your core by pulling your navel toward your spine. Bend your elbows outward to form a 90-degree angle as you slowly lower your torso to the floor, bringing your head close to the floor. Push through your shoulders and upper back to straighten your arms and return to starting position. Perform 10 repetitions.

Exercises with Weights For Toned Arms

Lateral Raises + Front Raises

This combo exercise packs a punch by working your shoulders, arms, back and chest simultaneously. Start with your feet hip-width apart and a dumbbell in each hand, with your arms hanging naturally at your sides. Begin with a lateral raise: palms facing inward, raise the dumbbells to shoulder height, keeping your elbows slightly flexed. Pause at the top, then slowly lower the weights back down. Next, switch to a front raise: rotate your wrists so that your palms are facing forward and raise your arms straight out in front of you, stopping when they reach shoulder height. Pause again and slowly lower your arms back to your sides. Alternate between these movements for a total of 12 repetitions, performing 3 sets for optimal results.

Standing Triceps Kickbacks

If toning your triceps is your goal, tricep kickbacks are a must. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, knees slightly bent, and hips flexed forward at a 45-degree angle. Hold a dumbbell in each hand and bend your elbows 90 degrees so your triceps are in line with your back and your biceps are perpendicular to the floor. Engage your core and keep your spine, neck, and head aligned. Return barbells to starting position, extending arms fully and squeezing triceps as you extend arms. Slowly return to starting position. Perform 10 to 12 repetitions for 2 to 3 sets.

Overhead Press

The overhead press is a powerful move that engages not only your shoulders, but also your triceps, trapezius, and lower back muscles. To begin, stand upright with your feet hip-width apart and your back straight. Hold a dumbbell at shoulder height in each hand, palms facing forward in an overhand grip, elbows pointing toward the floor. Keep neck and head in neutral position and core tensed. Raise the dumbbells directly above your head until your arms are fully extended, pause at the top for a moment, then gradually lower the dumbbells back to shoulder height. Aim for 10 to 12 repetitions and perform 2 to 3 sets.

Bent Over Row

The overhead press is a powerful move that engages not only your shoulders, but also your triceps, trapezius, and lower back muscles. To begin, stand upright with your feet hip-width apart and your back straight. Hold a dumbbell at shoulder height in each hand, palms facing forward in an overhand grip, elbows pointing toward the floor. Keep neck and head in neutral position and core tensed. Raise the dumbbells directly above your head until your arms are fully extended, pause at the top for a moment, then gradually lower the dumbbells back to shoulder height. Aim for 10 to 12 repetitions and perform 2 to 3 sets.

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