
Best Tips To Stop Being Lazy

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You are aware of your own laziness, lack of motivation and urgent need for change. You are aware of the need to act, the desire to initiate change, but somehow inertia persists. Is there an inner force, labelled laziness, procrastination or demotivation, preventing you from trying? The effort to overcome this force and achieve readiness takes time.


But what if I suggest that getting rid of laziness is not the answer? Instead, understanding it becomes paramount. In this talk, I will share my thoughts on laziness and offer insights on how to overcome this lethargy and take proactive steps. While you may think you are too lazy to accomplish anything and lack motivation, it is crucial to first identify the specific targets of your laziness.

Article Content

  • Types of laziness

  • Best Tips To Stop Being Lazy

Types of laziness

I have found that we can only be lazy about these 3 things:


  1. Things we hate.
  2. Things that don’t interest us.
  3. Areas where we lack clarity, especially when our ‚why‘, purpose or mission remains undiscovered.

Best Tips To Stop Being Lazy

1. Know Your Why

There are times when laziness prevents action, even when the task is important. In such cases, the „why“, the intention that guides your actions, is often missing. Setting clear intentions becomes the key to overcoming laziness. A personal anecdote illustrates this: in my early years at university, poor academic performance reflected poor choices. Lack of interest in economics and unclear intentions, together with an unsupportive environment, encouraged distraction and laziness.


Dropping out became a turning point, leading to a determination to excel upon re-entry. Discovering my true purpose – to be the best I could be in every endeavour – marked the beginning of academic success. Identifying your ‚why‘ is transformative.


2. Get Clear on the Next Action Step

Uncertainty about the next steps often leads to laziness. Even with identified interests and intentions, failure to specify next steps leads to long-term procrastination.


3. Exercise

In moments of laziness and demotivation, exercise proves to be a powerful tool. Rather than waiting for motivation, I have found that exercise itself becomes a catalyst for motivation.

Put on your workout clothes and do a short 10-minute workout.


4. Find Your Interest

Instead of thinking that laziness is innate, admit to yourself that your nature is not lazy. The very act of reading this disproves this notion. There is an innate desire within you to achieve something worthwhile.


Children, as the purest reflection of our unspoiled selves, exhibit constant curiosity and activity. Embrace your inner child and recognise that aligning your interests with societal expectations encourages laziness and lack of motivation.Your purpose on earth is to discover and realise your true interests. Think about what you are really interested in, ignore external expectations and have the courage to go after it.


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Best Tips To Stop Being Lazy

This post may contain afilliate links.

You are aware of your own laziness, lack of motivation and urgent need for change. You are aware of the need to act, the desire to initiate change, but somehow inertia persists. Is there an inner force, labelled laziness, procrastination or demotivation, preventing you from trying? The effort to overcome this force and achieve readiness takes time.


But what if I suggest that getting rid of laziness is not the answer? Instead, understanding it becomes paramount. In this talk, I will share my thoughts on laziness and offer insights on how to overcome this lethargy and take proactive steps. While you may think you are too lazy to accomplish anything and lack motivation, it is crucial to first identify the specific targets of your laziness.

Article Content

  • Types of laziness

  • Best Tips To Stop Being Lazy

Types of laziness

I have found that we can only be lazy about these 3 things:


  1. Things we hate.
  2. Things that don’t interest us.
  3. Areas where we lack clarity, especially when our ‚why‘, purpose or mission remains undiscovered.

Best Tips To Stop Being Lazy

1. Know Your Why

There are times when laziness prevents action, even when the task is important. In such cases, the „why“, the intention that guides your actions, is often missing. Setting clear intentions becomes the key to overcoming laziness. A personal anecdote illustrates this: in my early years at university, poor academic performance reflected poor choices. Lack of interest in economics and unclear intentions, together with an unsupportive environment, encouraged distraction and laziness.


Dropping out became a turning point, leading to a determination to excel upon re-entry. Discovering my true purpose – to be the best I could be in every endeavour – marked the beginning of academic success. Identifying your ‚why‘ is transformative.


2. Get Clear on the Next Action Step

Uncertainty about the next steps often leads to laziness. Even with identified interests and intentions, failure to specify next steps leads to long-term procrastination.


3. Exercise

In moments of laziness and demotivation, exercise proves to be a powerful tool. Rather than waiting for motivation, I have found that exercise itself becomes a catalyst for motivation.

Put on your workout clothes and do a short 10-minute workout.


4. Find Your Interest

Instead of thinking that laziness is innate, admit to yourself that your nature is not lazy. The very act of reading this disproves this notion. There is an innate desire within you to achieve something worthwhile.


Children, as the purest reflection of our unspoiled selves, exhibit constant curiosity and activity. Embrace your inner child and recognise that aligning your interests with societal expectations encourages laziness and lack of motivation.Your purpose on earth is to discover and realise your true interests. Think about what you are really interested in, ignore external expectations and have the courage to go after it.


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