
Pregnancy Hacks Every Expecting Mom Should Know!

pregnancy hacks

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Pregnancy means a wonderful period of anticipation and development, both physically and emotionally. Nevertheless, it can also bring some complications to your routine. From the day-to-day challenges of managing pregnancy symptoms to the important information we need to retain and all the essentials we need to make sure we have in place, it can seem like there’s a lot to manage.

I can personally attest to the complexity of this experience, as I am currently expecting my second child and surprisingly, it is no less challenging this time around, on the contrary, it seems even more challenging. Even if we don’t have the means to bypass these challenges altogether, there are strategies or approaches we can take to make the journey a little more manageable and less challenging.

Pregnancy Hacks Every Expecting Mom Should Know!

1. Try a Sea Sickness Remedy

I stumbled upon the Sea-Band brand when I came across expectant mothers using remedies typically utilized for combating motion sickness to alleviate their morning sickness. Interestingly, Sea-Band has already recognized and embraced this emerging trend, as they offer a specialized band specifically designed for pregnancy, known as the Sea-Band Mama.

What I find appealing about this innovative solution for morning sickness is that it doesn’t entail the need for any medical consultation or the ingestion of any substances that necessitate a doctor’s consent. The Sea-Band is an acupressure wristband that operates by exerting gentle pressure through a plastic button on the elastic band onto a specific pressure point on your wrist.

One aspect to note is that initially, it might feel slightly uncomfortable, and if your skin is particularly sensitive, you may even notice mild bruising at the point where the plastic button applies pressure. However, apart from this minor discomfort, it’s not bothersome, and I tend to forget I’m wearing it shortly after putting it on. The best part is that it genuinely delivered positive results for me, making it well worth considering if you’re grappling with severe morning (or all-day) sickness during your pregnancy.

2. A Trick for When You Can’t Button Up Your Jeans Anymore!

1. Start by threading it through the opening where the button should be placed.

2. Afterward, loop that end back through itself, but on the opposite side, as illustrated here.

3. Once you’ve secured it snugly, utilize the free loop to fasten it around your button.

4. Voilà!

Now you can don your standard jeans, even if you can’t quite fasten them completely! Just ensure your shirt or tank top is sufficiently long to conceal the zipper region. It’s important to note that this technique is most effective during the initial phases of pregnancy. As your waistline expands significantly, its efficacy in keeping your pants up diminishes.

Speaking of keeping your pants secure, the hair tie alone might not suffice. However, when paired with the following method, you’ll be able to comfortably wear your regular jeans well into your second or perhaps even third trimester!

3. Use the Belly Band When Your Belly Really Starts to Grow

The Belly Band truly stood out as one of the most valuable acquisitions I made during my initial pregnancy, and I’ve enthusiastically returned to using it in my current second pregnancy. It permitted me to continue wearing my regular jeans without the need to invest a single cent in maternity jeans until an absolute necessity arose.

You might wonder why not simply purchase maternity jeans if they are an impending requirement. I can elaborate on my rationale for refraining from purchasing maternity wear unless it became an absolute essential. The primary factor was the cost, as maternity clothing often comes with a heftier price tag, which seemed unjustifiable considering that I’d only need them for a limited period in my life.

Another point of consideration is that maternity jeans are generally designed in larger sizes, making even those from my first pregnancy too loose for wear, particularly during the second trimester of my subsequent pregnancy.

4. Use Ginger and Citrus Scents to Fight Nausea

Ginger and citrus are often lauded as effective remedies for morning sickness, but did you realize that the mere aroma of these substances possesses anti-nausea attributes?

Given that our olfactory senses are intricately linked with our sense of taste, even a faint scent has the potential to induce a digestive response, for better or worse. In the context of pregnancy, when our senses are notably heightened, odors can significantly influence the intensity of all-day sickness.

This is where the utilization of anti-nausea fragrances comes into play. You have the option of procuring a candle or an aromatic air freshener infused with citrus or ginger fragrances and igniting them when nausea strikes.

 was really interested in how well this hack would work so I purchased essential oil citrus-infused aroma beads. The one I acquired happened to be more petite in size, but it exuded a potent aroma intended to permeate the entire room.

5. Use a Pill Organizer to Fight Pregnancy Brain

The truth is that pregnancy often causes forgetfulness, which affects women differently. However, there are essential things that you should definitely not forget, especially when it comes to your well-being and your baby’s development, such as taking prenatal vitamins. I can’t even count the number of times I’ve forgotten my daily prenatal vitamin, or worse, couldn’t remember if I’d already taken my dose that day (which is not an ideal situation!).

Life tends to get more and more chaotic, and when pregnancy is added to the mix, it can become downright chaotic. That’s why I really appreciate this approach; it’s not only remarkable, but also extremely important.

I made a conscious decision to invest in a lovely pill organizer and divided my daily doses of prenatal vitamins like vitamin Cvitamin D omega supplements into the appropriate compartments for each day. This approach eliminates the need for any mental gymnastics regarding whether I’ve taken my daily supplements and the exact amount to consume.

6. Kick Pregnancy Insomnia’s Butt with this Pillow

The impact of pregnancy on your sleep can be quite severe. Frequent awakenings to answer the call of nature disrupt a good night’s rest. Additionally, once you reach the 20-week mark of your pregnancy, you’ll find yourself confined to a single sleeping position until delivery, effectively bidding farewell to restful sleep.

But fear not, dear mother; there’s no need for you to endure this discomfort any longer.

Allow me to introduce you to the pregnancy pillow!

To be entirely candid, during my first pregnancy, I didn’t see the need to purchase one of these pregnancy pillows. In all honesty, my generously sized decorative bed pillow (which, by the way, is a fantastic and more cost-effective alternative) did a commendable job in ensuring my comfortable sleep. Besides, I wasn’t too keen on acquiring a massive pillow for which I had no storage space whatsoever.

However, during my second pregnancy, I decided to experiment with the trend. I opted for the highly acclaimed PharMeDoc Pregnancy Pillow, and here’s my perspective: It is nothing short of the most remarkable pregnancy sleep solution and invention ever!

For starters, this pillow is exceptionally versatile. It astonishes me that I never regarded it as useful beyond pregnancy because, in reality, it serves numerous functions. Just take a look at these various suggested positions!

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